Department of Mathematics | Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai



Narayanan N

Associate Professor

044 - [22]-57 [46]-05


KCB 546

Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Graph Ideals

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Previous Courses

  • 2024 Jul-Nov: GRAPH THEORY (modified) (MA6230)

  • 2024 Jul-Nov: Functions of Several Variables (MA1101)

  1. Extending some results on the second neighborhood conjecture

    Author: Dara, Suresh and Francis, Mathew C. and Jacob, Dalu and Narayanan, N.

    Journal: Discrete Appl. Math.

    Volume: 311

    Page: 1--17


    Year: 2022

  2. Strong edge coloring of Cayley graphs and some product graphs

    Author: Dara, Suresh and Mishra, Suchismita and Narayanan, Narayanan and Tuza, Zsolt

    Journal: Graphs Combin.

    Volume: 38

    Page: Paper No. 51, 20


    Year: 2022

  3. On Total Coloring of Some Classes of Regular Graphs

    Author: Prajnanaswaroopa, Shantharam and Geetha, Jayabalan and Somasundaram, Kanagasabapathi and Fu, Hung-Lin and Narayanan, Narayanan

    Journal: Taiwanese J. Math.

    Volume: 26

    Page: 667--683


    Year: 2022

  4. Exact square coloring of subcubic planar graphs

    Author: Florent Foucaud and Herve Hocquard and Suchismita Mishra and Narayanan Narayanan and Reza Naserasr and Eric Sopena and Petru Valicov

    Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics

    Volume: 293

    Page: 74-89


    Year: 2021

  5. Interval function, induced path function, (claw, paw)-free graphs and axiomatic characterizations

    Author: Changat, Manoj and Nezhad, Ferdoos Hossein and Narayanan, N.

    Journal: Discrete Appl. Math.

    Volume: 280

    Page: 53-62

    DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2018.05.035

    Year: 2020

  6. Axiomatic characterization of the interval function of a bipartite graph

    Author: Changat, Manoj and Nezhad, Ferdoos Hossein and Narayanan, Narayanan

    Journal: Discrete Appl. Math.

    Volume: 286

    Page: 19--28


    Year: 2020

  7. An upper bound for the regularity of binomial edge ideals of trees

    Author: Jayanthan, A. V. and Narayanan, N. and Raghavendra Rao, B. V.

    Journal: J. Algebra Appl.

    Volume: 18

    Page: 1950170, 7


    Year: 2019

  8. Regularity of binomial edge ideals of certain block graphs

    Author: Jayanthan, A. V. and Narayanan, N. and Raghavendra Rao, B. V.

    Journal: Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci.

    Volume: 129

    Page: Paper No. 36, 10


    Year: 2019

  9. Regularity of powers of bipartite graphs

    Author: Jayanthan, A. V. and Narayanan, N. and Selvaraja, S.

    Journal: J. Algebraic Combin.

    Volume: 47

    Page: 17-38

    DOI: 10.1007/s10801-017-0767-1

    Year: 2018

  10. Tropical dominating sets in vertex-coloured graphs

    Author: Angl`es d'Auriac, J.-A. and Bujt'as, Cs. and El Maftouhi, A. and Karpinski, M. and Manoussakis, Y. and Montero, L. and Narayanan, N. and Rosaz, L. and Thapper, J. and Tuza, Zs.

    Journal: J. Discrete Algorithms

    Volume: 48

    Page: 27-41

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jda.2018.03.001

    Year: 2018

  11. A note on the interval function of a disconnected graph

    Author: Changat, Manoj and Hossein Nezhad, Ferdoos and Mulder, Henry Martyn and Narayanan, N.

    Journal: Discuss. Math. Graph Theory

    Volume: 38

    Page: 39--48


    Year: 2018

  12. Axiomatic characterization of claw and paw-free graphs using graph transit functions

    Author: Changat, Manoj and Hossein Nezhad, Ferdoos and Narayanan, Narayanan

    Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science

    Volume: 9602

    Page: 115-125

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29221-2_10

    Year: 2016

  13. Partitioning a graph into highly connected subgraphs

    Author: Borozan, Valentin and Ferrara, Michael and Fujita, Shinya and Furuya, Michitaka and Manoussakis, Yannis and N, Narayanan and Stolee, Derrick

    Journal: J. Graph Theory

    Volume: 82

    Page: 322--333


    Year: 2016

  14. Axiomatic characterization of the interval function of a block graph

    Author: Balakrishnan, Kannan and Changat, Manoj and Lakshmikuttyamma, Anandavally K. and Mathew, Joseph and Mulder, Henry Martyn and Narasimha-Shenoi, Prasanth G. and Narayanan, N.

    Journal: Discrete Math.

    Volume: 338

    Page: 885-894

    DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2015.01.004

    Year: 2015

  15. From edge-coloring to strong edge-coloring

    Author: Borozan, Valentin and Chang, Gerard Jennhwa and Cohen, Nathann and Fujita, Shinya and Narayanan, Narayanan and Naserasr, Reza and Valicov, Petru

    Journal: Electron. J. Combin.

    Volume: 22

    Page: Paper 2.9, 17


    Year: 2015

  16. Further results on strong edge-colourings in outerplanar graphs

    Author: Borozan, Valentin and Montero, Leandro and Narayanan, Narayanan

    Journal: Australas. J. Combin.

    Volume: 62

    Page: 35--44

    Year: 2015

  17. Strong chromatic index of 2-degenerate graphs

    Author: Chang, Gerard Jennhwa and Narayanan, N.

    Journal: J. Graph Theory

    Volume: 73

    Page: 119--126


    Year: 2013

  18. On a conjecture on the balanced decomposition number

    Author: Chang, Gerard Jennhwa and Narayanan, N.

    Journal: Discrete Math.

    Volume: 313

    Page: 1511--1514


    Year: 2013

  19. Oriented colouring of some graph products

    Author: Aravind, N. R. and Narayanan, N. and Subramanian, C. R.

    Journal: Discuss. Math. Graph Theory

    Volume: 31

    Page: 675-686

    DOI: 10.7151/dmgt.1572

    Year: 2011

  20. Optimal acyclic edge colouring of grid like graphs

    Author: Muthu, Rahul and Narayanan, N. and Subramanian, C. R.

    Journal: Discrete Math.

    Volume: 310

    Page: 2769-2775

    DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2010.05.033

    Year: 2010

  21. On [Math Processing Error]-intersection edge colourings

    Author: Muthu, Rahul and Narayanan, N. and Subramanian, C. R.

    Journal: Discuss. Math. Graph Theory

    Volume: :29

    Page: 411-418

    DOI: 10.7151/dmgt.1456

    Year: 2009

  22. About acyclic edge colourings of planar graphs

    Author: Fiedorowicz, Anna and Hał uszczak, Mariusz and Narayanan, Narayanan

    Journal: Inform. Process. Lett.

    Volume: 108

    Page: 412-417

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ipl.2008.07.016

    Year: 2008

  23. Improved bounds on acyclic edge colouring

    Author: Muthu, Rahul and Narayanan, N. and Subramanian, C. R.

    Journal: Discrete Math.

    Volume: 307

    Page: 3063-3069

    DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2007.03.006

    Year: 2007

  1. Project Type: Sponsored

    Co-Ordinators: Narayanan, Jayanthan, Rao

    Agency: SERB

    Duration: 3 years

Apart from mathematics, I am interested in Growing Forests, Carnatic Music, Reading, Hiking, Organic Farming and Kathakali, Cycling and Boardgames.