MA7015 Introduction to Cryptology (modified)

Course Details

Introduction: Brief introduction to number theory, Euclidean algorithm, Euler’s totient function, Fermat’s theorem and Euler’s generalization, Chinese Remainder Theorem, primitive roots and discrete logarithms, Quadratic residues, Legendre and Jacobi symbols.

Private key cryptography: Stream ciphers, Block ciphers, DES and differential and linear cryptanalysis, Advanced encryption standards, Collision resistant hashing, Authenticated encryption: security against active attacks.

RSA public key cryptosystems: RSA system, primality testing, survey of factoring algorithms. Other public key cryptosystems: El Gamal public key cryptosystem, algorithms for discrete log problem.

Course References:

Text Books:
1. Introduction to Modern Cryptography by J. Katz and Y. Lindell.

Reference Books:
1. Cryptography: Theory and Practice by D. Stinson.
2. Handbook of Applied Cryptography by A. Menezes, P. C. Van Oorschot and S. A. Vanstone.
3. A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography by N. Koblitz.