AREAS OF RESEARCH Infinite Linear Programming, Generalized Inverses of Operators
over Hilbert Spaces, Nonnegative Generalized Inverses, Generalizations of Matrix Monotonicity, Linear Complementarity
Problems, Generalized Inverses of Matrices over Indefinite Inner Product Spaces. EDUCATION: Ph.D. (Functional Analysis) Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras, 1995. Thesis Title:Interval Linear Programs in Infinite Dimensional
Spaces M.Sc., (Mathematics) Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,
1989. Project
Title: Ordered Vector Spaces B.Sc.,
(Mathematics) Madras University, 1987. EMPLOYMENT: Lecturer School of Mathematics Anna University, Chennai 20.12.1995 to 05.05.2003 Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 07.05.2003 to 24.03.2009 Associate Professor Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 24.03.2009 to 13.07.2013 Professor Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 13.07.2013 THESIS SUPERVISION Sachindranath Jayaraman, "Weak monotonicity
and nonnegative generalized inverses", May 2008. Assistant Professor,
School of Mathematics, IISER - Thiruvananthapuram. Kurmayya Tamminana, "Nonnegative Moore-Penrose
inverses of operators between Hilbert spaces", July 2008. Assistant
Professor, Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal. Debasisha Mishra, "Least elements, matrix splittings
and nonnegative generalized inverses", May 2012. Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics, NIT Raipur. Rajesh Kannan, "Some topics in generalized inverse nonnegativity and intervals of matrices", July 2013.
Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Israel Institute of
Technology, Technion, Haifa,
Israel. Shani Jose, "Moore-Penrose inverses of sums, sub-direct
sums and applications", July 2013. TEACHING INTERESTS
B.Tech: Calculus I- Functions of a Single Variable Calculus II- Functions of Several Variables Ordinary Differential Equations Complex Variables and Transform Techniques Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis Linear Algebra and Optimization Discrete Mathematics Numerical Analysis M.Sc. Mathematics: Linear Algebra Multivariate Calculus and Transform Techniques Real Analysis Measure and Integration Topology Functional Analysis Operator Theory Applied Linear Algebra Generalized Inverses and Applications M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc.
Integrated (Comp. Sci. & Inf. Tech.): Combinatorics and Graph Theory Formal Languages and Automata Theory Digital Systems (Theory & Lab) Introduced the following courses at the M.Sc. Level: Generalized Inverses and Applications (at Anna University) Applied Linear Algebra (at IIT Madras) REFEREEING /REVIEWING Reviewer: Mathematical Reviews Zentralblatt Math Referee: Linear Algebra and its Applications Linear and Multilinear Algebra Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra Banach Journal of mathematical Analysis Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Mathematicki Vesnik Mathematics of Computation Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen |