Department of Mathematics | Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai


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| About the Department

The Department of Mathematics offers a doctoral research program for motivated students interested in pursuing their career in mathematic, as well as two post graduate programs namely M.Sc in Mathematics and M.Tech in Industrial Mathematics and Scientific Computing.

| Message from the Head of Department

The Department has been in the Top 120 Mathematics departments according to the QS World Rankings. Over the years, time and again, the Department has demonstrated its achievements, through continuous and consistent efforts in contributing to the growth and development of mathematics, both in India and abroad. The main objectives of the Department have been to pursue high quality research, to train young minds to nurture their skills in mathematics, and to serve the needs of the society in particular and the country at large, by means of applying the knowledge of mathematics necessary to produce technology for daily use. Towards achieving these goals, we have been immensely benefited by our core strength, viz., the faculty members (retired/current) of the Department, who have contributed significantly in each of the aspects outlined above. Currently, the numerical strength of the Department is forty, while the publication count (on MathSciNet, the primary and perhaps the unique indicator for mathematical publications) over the last five years is over 350 ...

Prof. Arindama Singh

The Head, Department of Mathematics,
IIT Madras










PhD Research Scholars


Exchange Students


Postgraduate Students

| Research Areas

Algebra and Number Theory
Analysis and Linear Algebra
Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science
Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics
Geometry and Topology
Probability and Statistics

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