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Quantization of Symmetric Spaces and non-commutative Toeplitz C*-Algebras

  • Prof. Harald Upmeier,Philipps Universität Marburg, Germany, and Infosys Visiting Professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

It is shown that hermitian symmetric spaces of non-compact type (bounded symmetric domains) give rise to an interesting non-commutative geometry in the sense of Alain Connes. More precisely, we study Toeplitz operators and Toeplitz C*-algebras on the Hardy and Bergman space over symmetric domains and determine the full spectrum (irreducible representations) of these C*-algebras. As a very recent work (with G. Misra) we extend this theory to the boundary orbits under the semi-simple Lie group. Interesting examples (unit ball, spin factor) arise already for domains of small rank. The necessary Jordan algebraic background is reviewed at the beginning of the talk.