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Descents, excedances and alternating-runs in positive elements of Coxeter groups

  • Hiranya Kishore Dey

The Eulerian polynomial $A_n(t)$ is one of the most interesting and well-studied polynomials
in combinatorics. The $k$-th coefficient of the $n$-th Eulerian polynomial counts the
number of permutations in the symmetric group $\mathcal{S}_n$ with exactly k descents. The coefficient
vectors of these polynomials satisfy all of combinatorists’ favorite distributional properties:
palindromicity, gamma positivity, log-concavity etc. In this talk, we firstly consider $A_n^+(t)$ and $A_n^-(t)$, the polynomials which enumerate descents in the alternating group $\mathcal{A}_n$ and in
$\mathcal{S}_n \setminus \mathcal{A}_n$ respectively. We prove the gamma positivity of these polynomials, in part of the
cases, depending on the values of $n$ mod $4$. We show similar gamma
positivity results about the descent and excedance based type B and type D Eulerian polynomials when the
enumeration is done over the positive elements in the respective Coxeter groups.

Moving on, we will consider the alternating-runs enumerating polynomial over the
symmetric group. There are three formulae for the number of permutations in $\mathcal{S}_n$ with
$k$ alternating runs, but all of them are complicated. Here we will see that when enumerated
with sign taken into account, one gets a neat formula. As a consequence of the signed
enumeration, we get a near refinement of a result of Wilf on the exponent of $(1 + t)$ when
it divides the alternating runs enumerating polynomial in the alternating group. Other
applications include a moment-type identity and enumeration of alternating permutations in the alternating group. Time permitting, we will see log-concavity results and central limit theorems involving
descents and excedances over positive elements of Coxeter groups.