Department of Mathematics | Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai



Dr.Sanyasiraju VSSYedida


044 - [22]-57 [46]-21


KCB 553

Development of meshfree numerical schemes to partial differential equations originated from fluid dynamics.

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  1. Stefan problem coupled with natural convection: An application to dissolution process

    Author: S. Nandi and Y.V.S.S. Sanyasiraju

    Journal: Physics of Fluids

    Volume: 36

    Page: 063601


    Year: 2023

  2. A second order accurate fixed-grid method for multi-dimensional Stefan problem with moving phase change materials

    Author: S. Nandi and Y.V.S.S. Sanyasiraju

    Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier)

    Volume: :416

    Page: 126719


    Year: 2022

  3. Investigation on the performance of meshfree RBF based method for the solution of thin film flows over topographies through depth-averaged Momentum Integral Model

    Author: S K Pal, Y V S S Sanyasiraju, R Usha

    Journal: Journal of Computational Science

    Volume: 63

    Page: 101777


    Year: 2022

  4. A grid based ADI method for the problem of two phase solidification

    Author: Subhankar Nandi and Y V S S Sanyasiraju

    Journal: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

    Volume: 178

    Page: 121569


    Year: 2021

  5. A consistent energy integral model for a film over a substrate featuring topographies

    Author: Sanjib Kr Pal, Y V S S Sanyasiraju & R Usha

    Journal: International Journal for Numerical Methods for Fluids

    Volume: :93

    Page: 3424–3446

    DOI: 10.1002/fld.5040

    Year: 2021

  6. Upwind Biased Local RBF Scheme with PDE Centers for the Steady Convection Diffusion Equations with Continuous and Discontinuous Boundary Conditions

    Author: K. Monysekar and Y V S S Sanyasiraju

    Journal: Communications in Computational Physics

    Volume: 27(2)

    Page: 460-479

    DOI: 10.4208/cicp.OA-2018-0054

    Year: 2020

  7. An ADI based body-fitted method for Stefan problem in irregular geometries

    Author: Subhankar Nandi and Y V S S Sanyasiraju

    Journal: International Journal of Thermal Sciences

    Volume: 150

    Page: 106473

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2020.106473

    Year: 2020