Department of Mathematics | Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai



Mr. Kandappan V A

Ph.D Student

044 - 2257 4600


KCB1 621

Numerical Linear Algebra, Hierarchical Matrices

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  1. HODLR2D: A new class of Hierarchical matrices

    Author: V A Kandappan and Vaishnavi Gujjula and Sivaram Ambikasaran

    Journal: arXiv Preprint

    Year: 2022

  2. Machine Learning in Finance: Towards Online Prediction of Loan Defaults Using Sequential Data with LSTMs

    Author: V. A. Kandappan and A. G. Rekha

    Journal: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

    Page: 53-62

    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-1696-9_5

    Year: 2021