Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai

On the second neighbourhood conjecture

Speaker : Dr. Mathew C Francis, Computer Science Unit, ISI Chennai Centre


Abstract :

In an oriented graph G, a vertex v is said to be a "second neighbour" of a vertex u if v is not an out-neighbour of u, but is an out-neighbour of an out-neighbour of u. The second neighbourhood conjecture, due to Seymour, states that in every oriented graph there exists a vertex u that has at least as many second neighbours as out-neighbours. In this talk, we shall see some proofs for this conjecture for some special classes of oriented graphs.

Key Speaker Dr. Mathew C Francis, Computer Science Unit, ISI Chennai Centre
Place NAC 522
Start Time 3:00 PM
Finish Time 4:00 PM
External Link None