Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai

Algebra Seminar

There are no upcoming events.

Algebra Day @ IIT Madras 2024
25-06-2024 Please see event external link for more details

Introduction to Galois Cohomology - III.
13-11-2019 Subhasis Panda, Department of Mathematics.

Introduction to Galois Cohomology - II.
06-11-2019 Subhasis Panda, Department of Mathematics.

Introduction to Galois Cohomology.
30-10-2019 Subhasis Panda, Department of Mathematics.

Introduction to Sheaf Cohomology - IV.
23-10-2019 Sohom Mondal, Department of Mathematics.
Ideals generated by d-sequences are of linear type. 16-10-2019 Rajib Sarkar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras

Introduction to Sheaf Cohomology - III.
25-09-2019 Sohom Mondal, Department of Mathematics.

Introduction to Sheaf Cohomology - II.
18-09-2019 Sohom Mondal, Department of Mathematics.

Introduction to Sheaf Cohomology - I.
04-09-2019 Sohom Mondal, Department of Mathematics.

A quick introduction to local cohomology - V
28-08-2019 Rajib Sarkar, Department of Mathematics.

A quick introduction to local cohomology - IV
21-08-2019 Arvind Kumar, Department of Mathematics.

A quick introduction to local cohomology - III.
14-08-2019 Arvind Kumar, Department of Mathematics.

A quick introduction to Local cohomolgy - II
07-08-2019 Rajib Sarkar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras.

A quick introduction to Local cohomolgy
31-07-2019 Rajib Sarkar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras.

Self maps of varieties over finite fields
29-03-2019 K.V.Shuddhodan, Freie Universitat, Berlin
The Kadison Singer problem and Anderson's Paving conjecture - II 26-03-2019 Jayakumar Ravindran, IMSc, Chennai
The Kadison Singer problem and Anderson's Paving conjecture 19-03-2019 Jayakumar Ravindran, IMSc, Chennai

Endoscopic points on Siegel eigenvarieties
12-03-2019 Baskar Balasubramanyam

Rigidity for equivariant K-theory
05-03-2019 Dr. Charanya Ravi, University of Regensburg
Solving equations as Puiseux series : the Newton-Puiseux theorem, Newton polygons and generalization ... 26-02-2019 Dr. Sarang Sane, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras

Newton Polygons and solving equations.
19-02-2019 Sarang Sane, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras.

Hensel's lemma - II
12-02-2019 Sarang Sane, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras.

Geometry of Symmetric Spaces and Jordan Algebras
05-02-2019 Prof. Harald Upmeier (Philipps Universität Marburg, Germany and Infosys Visiting Professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
Classification of maximal closed subroot systems of affine root systems. 22-01-2019 R.Venkatesh, IISc, Bengaluru.

Hensel's lemma
09-01-2019 Sarang Sane, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras.

Regular local ring is a UFD - II
29-10-2018 Arvind Kumar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras

Regular local ring is a UFD
22-10-2018 Arvind Kumar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras

Mixed multiplicities of filtrations
16-10-2018 Dale Cutkosky, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
A characterization of Regular Local Rings using Hilbert-Kunz multiplicities 09-10-2018 A. V. Jayanthan, Department of Mathematics, IITM
Boij-Söderberg Theory over Standard Graded Rings - III 25-09-2018 Rajiv Kumar, Department of Mathematics, IITM
Boij-Söderberg Theory over Standard Graded Rings - II 18-09-2018 Rajiv Kumar, Department of Mathematics, IITM

Boij-Söderberg Theory over Standard Graded Rings
11-09-2018 Rajiv Kumar, Department of Mathematics, IITM.

Some results on Seshadri constants
04-09-2018 Dr. Krishna Hanumanthu, CMI.

Nagata Conjecture and Seshadri constants - II.
28-08-2018 Dr. Krishna Hanumanthu, CMI.

Nagata Conjecture and Seshadri constants - I.
21-08-2018 Dr. Krishna Hanumanthu, CMI

Two classical theorems of ideal theory
14-08-2018 Rajib Sarkar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras

Past Events
31-07-2018 For the past Algebra Seminars, please CLICK HERE