Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai


There are no upcoming events.

Mathematics and Machine Learning
28-03-2024 Dr Adrian Dudek, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland / Optiver Australia

Cospectral graphs
07-03-2024 Dr. M. Rajesh Kannan, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Research atmosphere at ISI Kolkatta in sixties and problems of adaptation by young researchers from ... 15-02-2024 Dr. T.E.S. Raghavan, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science College of Liberal Arts & Sciences University of Illionis, Chicago
Representation homology of spaces and the strong Macdonald conjectures 18-01-2024 Dr. Ajay C. Ramadoss Associate Professor, Mathematics Indiana University Bloomington

Homotopy Types of Euclidean Rips Complexes
26-10-2023 Dr. Ramesh Kasilingam, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras

Newton polygon and its applications
19-10-2023 Dr. Anuj Jakhar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras.

Euler, Wallis, Beta and Gamma
12-10-2023 Dr. Venkata Balaji T. E., Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras.
Finite dimensional Diffusions and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in the space of tempered ... 05-10-2023 Dr. Barun Sarkar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras.
Simulation & Data: 6 Steps from Theory to Impact through Disasters, Engineering & Heritage 14-09-2023 Dr. Phil Weir
Founder & Director - Flax & Teal Ltd., U.K.
Developments in Membrane Computing – Kernel P systems case study 24-08-2023 Prof. Marian Gheorghe, 50th Anniversary Chair, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, University of Bradford, UK

Fan-Theobald-von Neumann systems
17-08-2023 M. Seetharama Gowda, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

On linear independence of Dirichlet $L$ values
10-08-2023 Dr. Neelam Kandhil (currently a post doc in Bonn University, Germany)

On a New Index for Comparisons of Group Effects
27-04-2023 Professor Somesh Kumar, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Statistically consistent algorithms in machine learning 20-04-2023 Dr. Harish Guruprasad, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IITM
Engineering on Supervised Network for Training with Less Data 13-04-2023 Dr. Snehasis Mukherjee, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence, Delhi NCR
On the learning of high order polynomial reconstructions for scientific computing 06-04-2023 Dr. Ritesh Kumar Dubey, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
A gentle introduction to topological data analysis 30-03-2023 Dr. Priyavrat C Deshpande, Chennai Mathematical Institute
New examples of Fano manifolds of Picard number one whose co-tangent bundle is algebraically complet ... 09-03-2023 Dr. Sarbeswar Pal, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram
Computing the nucleolus for Assignment games and Cyclic permutation games 02-03-2023 Dr. T.E.S. Raghavan, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science College of Liberal Arts & Sciences University of Illionis, Chicago
Special Seminar Talk: The Multiplicity Conjecture and its Resolution 28-02-2023 Prof. Ananthnarayan Hariharan, Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay
Approximation of Functions by Kantorovich Exponential Sampling Series 23-02-2023 Dr. A. Sathish Kumar, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras
Special Seminar Talk: On real zeros of random polynomials 23-02-2023 Dr. Manjunath Krishnapur, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Special Seminar Talk: Completeness of discrete translates of a function 22-02-2023 Dr. S. Sivananthan, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

The History of Hedetniemi's conjuncture
16-02-2023 Gujgiczer Anna, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary

15-02-2023 Prof. Apoorva Khare, Prof. Barbara Ruediger and Prof. Somasundaram K
Winding number and circular 4-colouring of (signed) graphs 09-02-2023 Reza Naserasr, Université Paris Cité, CNRS, IRIF, F-75013, Paris, France
Equivariant cohomological rigidity of certain T-manifolds 02-02-2023 Dr. Soumen Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, IITM

Analysis of Kaiser-Bessel Distribution
20-10-2022 Prof. Dr. Habil Árpád Baricz, Institute of Applied Mathematics, John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
Local-global principle for hermitian spaces over semi-global fields 22-09-2022 Dr. Jayanth Guhan, Department of Mathematics, Emory University, USA

Graphs, growth & geometry
15-09-2022 Prof. Abhijit Champanerkar, Department of Mathematics, College of Staten Island, City University of New York

Potential theory on Finite Networks
14-07-2022 Andres M. Encinas Professor, Department of Mathematics Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona (Spain)

An Overview of Fuchs' Problem
16-06-2022 Sunil K. Chebolu, Professor & Undergraduate Director, Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University, USA

LCP, Lemke's Algorithm and Matrix Games
03-03-2022 Prof. T.E.S. Raghavan, Professor Emeritus Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Regularization of an Inverse Problem in Parabolic PDE 12-03-2020 Prof. M. Thamban Nair, Dept. of Mathematics, IIT Madras
Markov Chain Modelling of response of Engineering Systems 05-03-2020 DR BALAJI RAO K, CHIEF SCIENTIST & ADVISOR (MANAGEMENT)

An invitation to Mathieu moonshine
27-02-2020 Prof. Suresh Govindarajan, Dept. of Physics, IIT Madras

Sensitivity lower bounds from linear dependencies
20-02-2020 Dr. Reza Naserasr, CNRS researcher at IRIF, Universite de Paris

On uniformly bounded co-ordinates in GNS space
13-02-2020 Dr. Kunal Krishna Mukherjee, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras
Comparing the degrees of unconstrained and constrained approximation by polynomials 06-02-2020 Professor Dany Leviatan, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Finite Element Method for thermo-fluid dynamics applications 30-01-2020 Dr. K. Arul Prakash, Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics

Tensor decompositions and applications
23-01-2020 Dr. Sivaram Ambikasaran (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
Computing with Rhythms: The search for Deep Oscillatory Neural Networks 16-01-2020 Prof. V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Dept. of Biotechnology, IIT Madras
Homotopy invariance in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry 07-11-2019 Dr. Anand Sawant, Reader, School of Mathematics, TIFR, Mumbai, India.
The Nexus between Good Definitions and Universal Properties in Mathematics 31-10-2019 Dr. Venkata Balaji T E, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras
Embeddings of 3-manifolds in 5 dimensinal manifolds 24-10-2019 Dr. Suhas Jaykumar Pandit, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras

Classified Matchings with one sided preferences
17-10-2019 Dr. Meghana Nasre, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras

Distance matrices
10-10-2019 Dr. Balaji Ramamurthy, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras

Topological quantum codes: An introduction
03-10-2019 Pradeep Kiran Sarvepalli, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras
Understanding the Arctic Sea Ice Melting via Functional Data Analysis 26-09-2019 Dr. Sourish Das, Associate Professor, Chennai Mathematical Institute
Inertia groups and smooth structures on complex projective spaces 19-09-2019 Dr. Ramesh Kasilingam, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

An overview of Isogeny-based cryptosystems
12-09-2019 Dr. Tapas Pandit, IISC Bangalore

Unimodular Polynomial Matrices over Finite Fields
29-08-2019 Dr. Ayineedi Venkateswarlu, Assistant Professor, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Chennai Centre
Continued fractions, the Chen-Stein method and extreme value theory 22-08-2019 Dr. Parthanil Roy, Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit, ISI, Bangalore

On PPT square conjecture
08-08-2019 Dr. Sumesh K. (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
Finite precision computations - an asset to computational physics and machine learning 01-08-2019 Dr. Sivaram Ambikasaran (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
Number of representations of integers by binary forms 25-04-2019 Dr. Divyum Sharma, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo

Making sense of Opinion polls
11-04-2019 Prof. Rajeeva L. Karandikar, Director, Chennai Mathematical Institute
Species of Combinatorial Structures and Cayley's Formula 04-04-2019 Dr. Narayanan N (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
Selection of events under Fault detection in Wireless sensor network using model selection method 28-03-2019 Dr. Mrinal Nandi, Department of Statistics, West Bengal State University
Enumeration of certain recurrent sequences over finite fields. 21-03-2019 Dr. Sartaj Ul Hasan, IIT Jammu
Higher Degree Multivariate Systems and their Applications to Cryptography 14-03-2019 Dr. Prem Laxman Das,
SETS-Society for Electronic Transaction and Security
Side Channel Analysis on Cryptographic Ciphers: The Case of Fault-Injection Attacks 07-03-2019 Dr. Chester Dominic Rebeiro, CSE, IIT Madras
Partially ordered vector spaces: Embedding techniques and structure preserving operators 28-02-2019 Dr. Anke Kalauch, Institute for Analysis, Dept. of Mathematics Technical University of Dresden, Germany

Cohomology rings of a class of torus manifolds
21-02-2019 Dr. Soumen Sarkar (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)

What exactly are Machines Learning?
14-02-2019 Dr. Sourav Sen Gupta, Nanyang Technological University
Quantization of Symmetric Spaces and non-commutative Toeplitz C*-Algebras 07-02-2019 Prof. Harald Upmeier,Philipps Universität Marburg, Germany, and Infosys Visiting Professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Random Operators some results
31-01-2019 Prof. M. Krishna (Retired from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai), Professor of Mathematics, Ashoka University, Haryana
Challenges in Modelling Marine Ecological Dynamics 24-01-2019 Prof. Girija Jayaraman, IIT Delhi
Discrete Logarithm Problem and its Applications in Cryptography 29-11-2018 Dr. Shashank Singh (IISER, Bhopal)
On a Conjecture of Erdos on Squares in Arithmetic Progression 22-11-2018 Dr. Shanta Laishram (Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit, ISI Delhi)

Combinatorial methods in algebraic geometry
15-11-2018 Dr. Dhruv Ranganathan (Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge)
Some recent developments of Proximinality in Banach spaces 08-11-2018 Dr. Tanmoy Paul (Department of Mathematics. IIT Hyderabad)
Mutually Unbiased Bases in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces 01-11-2018 Dr. Prabha Mandayam (Department of Physics, IIT Madras)
Unimodality of Hilbert Functions of Graded Artin Algebras 25-10-2018 Prof. Hema Srinivasan (Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri, USA)

Equivariant cohomology of torus orbifolds
18-10-2018 Dr. Jongbaek Song (Department of Mathematical Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Generalized Inverses of Matrices by Inversion of Complemented Matrix and its Application to Generali ... 11-10-2018 Prof. Eagambaram Narayanan (Former Deputy Director General, Indian Statistical Service, Government of India)

On the second neighbourhood conjecture
04-10-2018 Dr. Mathew C Francis, Computer Science Unit, ISI Chennai Centre

On Product Norms
27-09-2018 Dr. Anant R. Shastri (Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay)
Helgason's conjecture for Riemannian symmetric spaces 20-09-2018 Dr. P. Aprameyan (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)

Games and logic: an interplay
06-09-2018 Dr. Sujata Ghosh (Department of Computer Science, Indian Statistical Institute Chennai)

Greene's Theorem for Timed Words
30-08-2018 Prof. Amritanshu Prasad (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai)

Hyperbolicity in Complex Analysis
23-08-2018 Dr. Jaikrishnan Janardhanan (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)

Quasi-isometry and rigidity
16-08-2018 Dr. Parameswaran Sankaran (Department of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai)

Recursive MDS Diffusion Layers
09-08-2018 Dr. Sumit Kumar Pandey (Department of Computer Science, Ashoka University, Sonepat, Haryana, India)
A Finite Field Nullstellensatz and the Number of Zeros of Polynomials over Finite Fields. 02-08-2018 Prof. Sudhir R. Ghorpade (Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay)

Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and Applications
19-04-2018 Dr. N. Narayanan, (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)

DNA Computing Inspired Combinatorics on Words
12-04-2018 Dr. Manasi S. Kulkarni, Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras
Linear algebra over rings : unimodular rows and completability 05-04-2018 Dr. Sarang S. Sane (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
Greedy Algorithm for Maximum Independent set and its generalization 22-03-2018 Dr. Sounaka Mishra (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
An Exposition of Property B of uniform Hypergraphs 15-03-2018 Prof. N.S. Narayanaswamy (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras)

Completely positive maps - An introduction
08-03-2018 Dr. K. Sumesh (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
Edge ideals - A bridge between combinatorics and commutative algebra 01-03-2018 Dr. A. V. Jayanthan (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)

Some Beautiful Butterflies in Mathematics
22-02-2018 Dr. T.E. Venkata Balaji (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
Counting Roots of Polynomials Using Newton Polytopes 15-02-2018 Prof. J. K. Verma (Department of Mathematics, IIT Mumbai)
Confinement and nonlocal elasticity effects in premelting dynamics 08-02-2018 Dr. Satyajit Pramanik (Post-doctoral Fellow, Nordita, Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden)
Introduction to Turbulent flows and their prediction : A tribute to Prof Tulaji 01-02-2018 Prof.B.S.V.Prasad Patnaik (Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras)
Optimization of Energy Systems for Sustainable Development 25-01-2018 Professor. K. Srinivas Reddy (Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras)

On Hecke Theory
18-01-2018 Professor M. Manickam (Director of Kerala School of Mathematics)
Mathematical models for Computer network protocols and security - a need for a new perspective 02-11-2017 Dr. Shankar Raman (Senior Project Adviser, RISE Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras)

On a few interesting O.R. Applications
26-10-2017 Prof. G. Srinivasan, [Department of Management Studies, liT Madras]

Nondiametral Points and Zorn's Lemma
19-10-2017 Prof. P. Veeramani (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
Convergence of the Reach for a Sequence of Random Manifolds 12-10-2017 Dr. Sunder Ram Krishnan (Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Formulations of the Traveling Salesman Problem and Linear Programming Relaxations 05-10-2017 Dr. Usha Mohan, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras.
“Getting Together When Others Get Together” - Some Results in Cooperative Games with Externaliti ... 21-09-2017 Prof. R.K. Amit, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras
Variable Selection Using KullbackLeibler Divergence Loss 14-09-2017 Dr. Shibasish Dasgupta, Lead Statistician, Global Data Insight & Analytics, Ford Motor Private Limited
Modeling and Analysis of Ecological Systems With Harvesting 07-09-2017 (Retd.) Prof. Peeyush Chandra, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur

Fractional Cone and Hex Splines
31-08-2017 Prof. Peter Massopust, Centre of Mathematics, Technical University Munich, Germany

A curious ball game
24-08-2017 Arindama Singh
Fast Finite Element Bioheat Solver for Cancer Treatment Lesion Predictions 17-08-2017 Dr. Panchatcharam Mariappan, NUMA Engineering Services Ltd, Dundalk, Ireland
From Poincare to Saint Venant - via Donati, Lions and Korn 10-08-2017 Prof. S. Kesavan, Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras
Resistance Distance, Kirchhoff Index /Network Criticality and Foster's Theorems: Generalization and ... 03-08-2017 Prof. Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman, Hitachi Chair Emeritus in Computer Science, University of Oklahoma, USA

Yves Meyer and Wavelets
20-04-2017 Prof. R.Radha, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)
Compactly SDR set and sufficient conditions for semidefinite representation 13-04-2017 Dr. Anusuya Ghosh, Post-doctoral fellow, IIM Bengaluru
Mathematics of the Practitioners in Early Modern South India 06-04-2017 Dr. Senthil Babu D., French Institute of Pondicherry (IFP)

Who is afraid of infinite state systems
30-03-2017 Prof. R.Ramanujam, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai
On Fourier-Galerkin approach for FFT-based homogenization 23-03-2017 Dr. Nachiketa Mishra, ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru
Finiteness theorems for holomorphic maps from products of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces 16-03-2017 Dr. Divakaran D., Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc)
Moduli space of planar polygons: a topological study of mechanical linkages​ 09-03-2017 Dr. Priyavrat Deshpande, Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI)
Goldman bracket : center and geometric intersection number 02-03-2017 Dr. Arpan Kabiraj, Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI)

Ubiquity of Schubert varieties​
23-02-2017 Prof. V. Lakshmibai, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
Theoretical models for compressible vortex streets 16-02-2017 Vikas Krishnamurthy, Imperial College, London

A rapid journey through Fourier analysis​
09-02-2017 Prof. Alladi Sitaram, Chennai Mathematical Institute
Impossibility theorems in social choice theory​ 02-02-2017 Dr. Jaikrishnan J., IIT Madras
Moment method and joint convergence of random matrices​ 19-01-2017 Dr. Koushik Saha, IIT Bombay
Introduction to machine learning and approximation theory 12-01-2017 Prof. Hrushikesh Mhaskar (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, and Claremont Graduate University, Claremont)
Unique factorization of tensor products for finitedimensional simple Lie algebras 10-11-2016 Dr. R. Venkatesh
Statistical Problems of Big Data with some Applications in Finance 03-11-2016 Dr. Rituparna Sen (Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai​)

Special values of L-functions
20-10-2016 Dr. B.Baskar (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune​)
Representations of Symmetric Groups with Nontrivial Determinant 06-10-2016 Dr. Amritanshu Prasad (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai)
Injectivity Vs surjectivity and multipliers Vs quotient rings 29-09-2016 Ajit Iqbal Singh (INSA Emeritus Scientist, Delhi)

Indian classical epistemology : An introduction
22-09-2016 Dr. S P Suresh​​ (Chennai Mathematical Institute​.)

Orbit class and remarks on invariant topological
08-09-2016 ​​Dr. ​​Soumen Sarkar​ (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)

Two projections in general position
01-09-2016 ​​Dr. V. S. Sunder (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.​)
On the Wiener Hopf compactification of a symmetric cone 25-08-2016 ​​S. Sundar (Chennai Mathematical Institute​)

Tropical Lifting Problems
18-08-2016 Madhusudan Manjunath (Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley)
A hybrid HPC framework with analysis for a class of stochastic models 11-08-2016 Dr. M. Ganesh (Professor, Colorado School of Mines, USA)

What is Free Probability?
21-04-2016 Prof. Vijay Kodiyalam (IMSc., Chennai)
Codifference as a practical tool to measure interdependence 07-04-2016 Prof. hab. inz. Agnieszka Wylomanska (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Anomalous diffusion models as tools to real data description 31-03-2016 Prof. hab. inz. Agnieszka Wylomanska (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Computational Models for Nanosecond Laser Ablation 24-03-2016 Dr. Harihar Khanal (Department of Mathematics Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida, USA)

Nonnegative tensors and their applications
17-03-2016 Dr. Rajesh Kannan​ (Postdoc, University of Manitoba, Canada)

Continuous Computation and Applications
10-03-2016 Dr. Jaikrishnan J (IIT Madras)

GNS-Pair: Construction and Applications
03-03-2016 Dr. Sumesh K (Postdoc, IMSc. Chennai)
Compact Operators and Hilbert Scale in Ill-Posed Problems 25-02-2016 Prof. M. T. Nair (Head, Department of Mathematics, IITM)

Korovkin's Theorem: Revisited
18-02-2016 Prof. S. Kesavan (Department of Mathematics, IITM)

Natural numbers using Peano’s Axioms
11-02-2016 Prof. V. Raghavendra, (Formerly with Department of Mathematics & Statistics IIT Kanpur)

Srinivasa Ramanujan his life and his work
04-02-2016 Prof. Michel Waldschmidt (Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris)

Brownian random times : Regeneration and Reversal
28-01-2016 Prof. B. Rajeev (Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit ISI Bangalore)

Inverse Positivity of Interval Matrices
21-01-2016 Prof. K. C Sivakumar (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras)
Several Complex Variables and the Bergman Projection 14-01-2016 Dr. Sivaguru Ravisankar, TIFR, Mumbai
Hypocoercivity and geometric control conditions in kinetic theory 12-01-2016 Dr. Harsha Hutridurga (DPMMS, Center for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge)

Python for Finance
15-10-2015 Dr. Arun Kumar. (IIT Madras)

The Scaling Method of Pinchuk
08-10-2015 Dr. Jaikrishnan J. (IIT Madras)
Modeling of alternate stable states in ecological systems 01-10-2015 Dr. Sarath Sasi

Primes are in P
24-09-2015 Sounak Mishra
Tensor action and classification of thick subcategories. 15-09-2015 Dr. Umesh Dubey, INSPIRE faculty fellow in IISc. (currently visiting IMSc)

Erdos Magic
10-09-2015 Dr. N Narayanan, IIT Madras

Mechanising Mathematics
03-09-2015 Dr. T.V.H.Prathamesh (Postdoctoral fellow, IMSc)
The diophantine equation y2 = x8 + x4 + x2 and modern arithmetic geometry 27-08-2015 Prof. Loic Merel, Université Paris Diderot - Paris VII

Aspects of zeta functions over function fields
20-08-2015 Dr.Ignazio Longhi(Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)
Bimodules Over Regular Subalgebras of Von Neumann Algebras 13-08-2015 Prof. Jan Cameron (Professor of Mathematics, Vassar College New York)
An exposition of results related to cancellation problems 23-04-2015 Dr. Sarang S.Sane (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras )
Uniform continuity of the product of real functions 16-04-2015 Prof. Gerald Beer (California State University, Los Angeles, USA)
Globally Convex Variational Methods in Computer Vision 09-04-2015 Dr. Surya Prasath (University of Missouri, Columbia USA)

Real elements in groups of type F4
26-03-2015 Dr. Anirban Bose (Institute of Mathematical Sciences Chennai)

Factorization of holomorphic eta quotients
19-03-2015 Dr. Soumya Bhattacharya (Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Matematica, Trento)

On Geometry of Self-Similar Curves
05-03-2015 Dr. Andrei V. Tetenov (Gorno-Altaisk State University, Russia)

Proper holomorphic mappings of balanced domains
26-02-2015 Dr. J. Jaikrishnan (Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras )
Modular Class of a Lie algebroid with a Nambu Structure 05-02-2015 Dr. Shilpa Gondhali( University of Haifa, Israel)