Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai

The Maximum Modulus Theorems for Banach Space Valued Analytic Functions

Speaker : Kousik Dhara, Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics IITM


Abstract :

Suppose D is an open connected subset of C. The classical (strong) maximum modulus theorem says that the modulus of an analytic function f : D → C can not assume its maximum at a point in D unless f is constant on D. This does not generalize to analytic Banach space valued functions. However a (weaker) version holds for a Banach space X valued analytic function, which says that if f : D → X is analytic, then ||f(z)|| has no maximum on D unless ||f(z)|| is identically constant on D. In fact the strong form of the maximum modulus principle holds for X if and only if each point in X of norm one is a ‘complex extreme point’ of the unit sphere of X. We shall discuss these results with some examples. The talk will be elementary and accessible to all.

Key Speaker Kousik Dhara, Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics IITM
Place NAC 519
Start Time 3:00 PM
Finish Time 10:34 AM
External Link None