Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai

Invariant Sub-algebras of the Crossed products of discrete groups

Speaker : Tattwamasi Amrutam


Abstract :

Let Γ be a discrete group and A, an unital Γ-C ∗ -algebra. We can associate with it  a C ∗ -algebraic object A ⋊r Γ called the reduced crossed product. Similarly, for a Γvon Neumann algebra M, we can associate a von Neumann algebraic crossed product  denoted by M ⋊ Γ. When $A =C,$ this construction gives us the group C ∗ -algebra  Cr∗ (Γ). Similarly, when $M = C$, we obtain the group von Neumann algebra L(Γ). We  are interested in giving a complete description of the Γ-invariant sub-algebras of A⋊r Γ  or that of M ⋊ Γ.  In this talk, I shall discuss recent progress in this direction. We will focus on two  particular instances. Firstly, on intermediate algebras B of the form Cr∗ (Γ) ⊂ B ⊂  A ⋊r Γ or N of the form L(Γ) ⊂ N ⊂ M ⋊ Γ. Secondly, on invariant sub-algebras  N ≤ L(Γ). These are two particular cases of invariant sub-algebras. 

This talk is based on four recent joint works: [AJ23] (with Yongle Jiang), [AH24]  (with Yair Hartman), and [AGG24b, AGG24a] (with Eli Glasner and Yair Glasner). 
[AGG24a] Tattwamasi Amrutam, Eli Glasner, and Yair Glasner, Crossed products of dynamical systems; rigidity vs. strong proximality, arXiv preprint  arXiv:2404.09803 (2024), 17pg. 
[AGG24b] ___, Non-abelian factors for actions of Z and other non-C*-simple  groups, Journal of Functional Analysis (2024), 110456. 
[AH24] Tattwamasi Amrutam and Yair Hartman, Subalgebras, subgroups, and singularity, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 56 (2024), no. 1,  380–395. 
[AJ23] Tattwamasi Amrutam and Yongle Jiang, On invariant von neumann subalgebras rigidity property, Journal of Functional Analysis 284 (2023), no. 5,  109804.   

Key Speaker Tattwamasi Amrutam
Place KCB 504
Start Time 10:00 AM
Finish Time 11:00 AM
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