Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai

Flexibility of embeddings of graphs on the projective plane

Speaker : Vaidyanathan Sivaraman, Riley Assistant Professor, State University of NewYork, Binghamton


Abstract :

Planar graphs have been a major topic of interest in graph theory, thanks to the four-color problem. The importance of understanding graphs embedded on surfaces became clear after the groundbreaking work of Robertson and Seymour in connection with their work on Wagner's conjecture. I will address the following questionIs there a complete set of operations that can explain different embeddings of a nonplanar graph on the projective plane? This is joint work with John Maharry, Neil Robertson and Daniel Slilaty.

Key Speaker Vaidyanathan Sivaraman, Riley Assistant Professor, State University of NewYork, Binghamton
Place Madhava Hall
Start Time 3:00 PM
Finish Time 4:00 PM
External Link None