Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai
Aprameyan P
NAC 647

Assistant Professor


Geometric analysis on symmetric spaces, representations of real Lie groups, geometric quantization.


044 - 2257 4645



Recent Publications :

Domains of holomorphy for irreducible admissible uniformly bounded Banach representations of simple Lie groups

Authors : Gang Liu and Aprameyan Parthasarathy

Journal : Transform. Groups.

Volume :23 Page: 755-764 DOI: 10.1007/s00031-017-9468-z

Year: 2018

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Resonances and scattering poles for Riemannian symmetric spaces of rank one

Authors : Sönke Hansen, Joachim Hilgert and Aprameyan Parthasarathy

Journal : Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN)

Volume :2019 Page: 6362 - 6389 DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnx311

Year: 2018

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Boundary values of eigenfunctions on Riemannian symmetric spaces

Authors : Sönke Hansen, Joachim Hilgert and Aprameyan Parthasarathy

Journal : Preprint, arXiv:1807.07131

Year: 2018

Analysis on wonderful varieties . Regularised traces and global characters

Authors : Stéphanie Cupit-Foutou, Aprameyan Parthasarathy and Pablo Ramacher

Journal : Math. Nachr.

Volume :290 Page: 756-773 DOI: 10.1002/mana.201500427

Year: 2017

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Invariant integral operators on the Oshima compactification of a Riemannian symmetric space

Authors : Aprameyan Parthasarathy and Pablo Ramacher

Journal : J. Funct. Anal.

Volume :267(4) Page: 919-962 DOI: 10.1016/j.jfa.2014.05.002

Year: 2014